Invited Talks

Invited Talks

Distinguished papers:

ICSE 2020 Distinguished Paper:
"A Tale from the Trenches: Cognitive Biases and Software Development" – Souti Chattopadhyay, Nicholas Nelson, Audrey Au, Natalia Morales, Christopher Sanchez, Rahul Pandita, and Anita Sarma

FSE 2019 Distinguished Paper:
A Statistics-based Performance Testing Methodology for Cloud Applications, Sen He, Glenna Manns, John Saunders, Wei Wang, Lori Pollock, and Mary Lou Soffa

ISEC Test of Time award talk:
ISEC2012 Full Paper
Automatic Categorization of Bug Reports Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, by Somasundaram, Kalyanasundaram and Murphy, Gail