
Software Engineering Research in India - 2020
Online Event, 9 - 11 July, 2020

SERI 2020 in Pictures!!

Presentations -   [Day 1]    [Day 2]    [Day 3]    [UnScheduled]

The SERI Update Meeting is held annually. It is an informal event, with the aim of bringing together faculty, students, industrial researchers, and practitioners working in software engineering to present and discuss advances in their areas of interest. Each participant can volunteer to make a presentation about a foundational aspect, algorithm, approach, or experience, focusing on novel or interesting insights, relating to any aspect of software engineering such as requirements, design, development, analysis, testing, verification, or deployment.

SERI Updates

  • 04/05/2020: SERI 2020 site is Up!
  • 07/05/2020: SERI 2020 to be held as a Virtual Event due to COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 10/05/2020: SERI 2020 Started Speaker and Participant!
  • 13/05/2020: Important Dates Updated
  • 22/05/2020: The notification emails have been sent to shortlisted speakers on 21st June 2020 by raghu.reddy@iiit.ac.in. Please check your spam folder if you have not received it
  • 29/05/2020: Tentative Schedule and Tentative Participant list is now updated!
  • 30/05/2020: Speakers are requested to share their Presentations by July 4th, 2020
  • 01/06/2020: Tentative Participants - we will send out Microsoft Teams invite for SERI 2020 participation shortly
  • 04/06/2020: SERI Official YouTube Channel created with Presentation Premieres
  • 05/06/2020: SERI 2020 - MS teams Group Created including all the shortlisted Participants
  • 06/06/2020: SERI 2020 is now updated with all YouTube Premiere links under each Presentation
  • 07/06/2020: SERI 2020 Event details are announced and intimated to all participants
  • 07/06/2020: SERI 2020 MS Teams meeting invites are now sent out to all participants
  • 08/06/2020: Virtual Event Instructions are up!
  • 08/06/2020: Links for Presentations are up on Schedule Page!
  • 09/06/2020: Q&A Sessions 1 and 2 Videos are now Up in YouTube Channel
  • 10/06/2020: Q&A Sessions 3 and 4 Videos are now Up in YouTube Channel
  • 10/06/2020: SERI in Pictures are now released!

The 2nd Software Engineering Research in India (SERI) Update Meeting will be an ONLINE event during 9th, 10th and 11th of July, 2020 via YouTube Premieres on Official YouTube Channel SERI. It is going to be a half a day Online Event lined up by series for presentations followed by Q & A sessions from the researchers in Software Engineering across India. This is an event for collaboration among research groups towards generating productive research for the upcoming year. This event is sponsored by the India Chapter of SIGSOFT Special Interest Group of ACM. Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), IIIT Hyderabad is the Host Institute for 2020.


Workshop Access via MS Teams:
  • The workshop will use Microsoft (MS) Teams as the platform for broadcasting the presentations as well as for enabling interaction among participants and speakers.
  • All participants and Speakers are expected to download and use Microsoft Teams via the Desktop App (NO Login-password is required) or via the Browser. Please install it ahead of time rather than the day of the event. MS Teams will work on all major operating systems (Mac, Windows, Linux). Please avoid using mobile phones (to the extent possible) for listening to the talks and participating in the discussions.
  • We have created a Microsoft Teams Group called "SERI 2020" and added all the participants and speakers to this group.
  • All Participants and Speakers will be receiving 3 separate meeting invites to their mail ids in the next 24 hours. One for each day: 9th July, 10th July and 11th July. YOU MUST use these links to join the discussions. Please ensure you check your SPAM folder (in case you don’t receive a meeting invite within the next 24 hrs). If you still can’t find it, please write to the mail ids given below.
  • The presentations will be played by the organizers on MS Teams during each session as per the schedule. Participants may watch the presentations on Teams and also post their comments and questions live in the Chat window of Teams during each presentation.
  • Please follow this self-help guide for Guest User Login - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/join-a-team-as-a-guest-928d1eef-61e2-49ec-b754-c2fe86b34824?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us
Presentation access via YouTube:
  • All presentations are hosted as YouTube Premiere videos on SERI's Official YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCssE3_I17zGGpJQC--9k9IA?view_as=subscriber
  • We request all Participants and Speakers to SUBSCRIBE to the SERI YouTube Channel to obtain live updates to Presentation Premieres.
  • The Presentations are automatically scheduled to become viewable at the given slot or 5-10 minutes before the start of the scheduled presentation slots. This is done to simulate the live nature of the event (in part). Hence viewing presentations ahead of time will not be possible.
  • All YouTube presentation links are also made available under SERI's Schedule Page - https://isoft.acm.org/seri2020/sch.html
  • In case bandwidth issues make it difficult to watch the scheduled presentations on MS Teams, participants may watch the presentations on YouTube at the same time that it is playing on Teams and still post their comments and questions on the Teams Chat window. Please DO NOT use YouTube chat for posting questions or comments. The Q & A session will happen on MS Teams only.
Q & A sessions via MS Teams
  • The MS Teams meeting and chat forum will be active from 8:30 am till 2:00 (on 9th July) and 9:00 am till 2:00 pm (on 10th and 11th July).
  • Participants may post questions/comments post on MS Teams chat forums while the presentation is being broadcast. Alternately, participants may wait till the start of the Q & A session to post their questions or use the “raise hand” feature to ask the question.
  • Session chairs will moderate the Q & A session (towards the end of each session) based on the discussions and questions posed by the participants.
  • Participants are requested to “mute” themselves unless they are asking a question during the discussion time.
  • Speakers are expected to be a part of the entire session in which their talk is scheduled. Speakers may answer the questions via the chat forum itself (if possible) or choose to answer the question during the Q & A session.
  • Kindly note that chat forum will be moderated and hence we request you to avoid unnecessary chatter.
In case of any queries - please reach out to saianirudh.karri@research.iiit.ac.in with a cc raghu.reddy@iiit.ac.in

SERI 2019, IISc Bengaluru