Innovations in Software Engineering Conference
ISEC 2021
Call for Papers
1. Invitation
The ISEC 2021 PhD Symposium invites Ph. D. scholars to submit papers in all areas related to Software Engineering research.
2. Objective of the Ph. D. Symposium
The Ph. D. Symposium is a friendly platform where Ph. D. scholars may present their work and get useful and valuable feedback from established researchers. The forum is also an excellent opportunity to compare notes with peer scholars from other institutions and get useful tips and informal advice from other researchers at the conference. The forum provides an accessible entry point to Ph. D. students into the software engineering research community. In the long run, the forum is one way of strengthening the larger community of software engineering researchers.
3. Who can submit?
The Ph. D. symposium is targeted at Ph. D. students in software engineering who are currently in between the preliminary stage of their Ph. D. at the penultimate stage of their Ph. D. A student is at the preliminary stage, when the student has at least identified a research topic, and ideally a problem. A student is at the penultimate stage when that student has almost completed all the research work and is ready to write the dissertation.
4. Submission Process
The submission process involves two steps:
- A letter from the thesis supervisor, including the name of the student, the topic the student is working on, when the student started the Ph. D. at what stage is the Ph. D. student in the Ph. D.programme and the expected date of completion of Ph. D. The letter should be emailed to the ISEC 2021 Ph. D. Symposium Chairs.
- A paper describing authored solely by the Ph. D. student describing the research, and preliminary results if any. The paper should be limited to 4 pages including references.EasyChair Submission Link
5. What is expected in a submission?
Reviewers will look for the followings in a submission:
- A clear statement of the research problem.
- Motivation for the problem: Why is the problem relevant, interesting, useful to solve and nontrivial?
- Related work that clearly situates the problem, the student's approach to solve it, and why the approach is novel and sound.
- Results if any, and how the results support the author' research hypotheses or claims. If no results are as yet available, a roadmap of the work and methodology needed to arrive at the results
- A timeline to complete the thesis work.
6. Submission Format
All papers are to be typeset using guidelines provided by the ACM Master Article Template. The guidelines allow for papers to be written in both LaTeX or Word.
6.1 For LaTeX users
- The acmart.cls class and ACM-Reference-Format.bst bibliography style file should be used without modification.
- The preamble should enable conference and review modes: \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}
- The bibliography style should use the ACM Reference format: \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}
7. Deadlines
All times are AoE (Anywhere on Earth: UTC -12:00)
Thursday, 15th October 2020 Sunday, 15th November 2020:
Letter from PhD supervisor.
Thursday, 15th October 2020Sunday, 15th November 2020 :
Submission of paper by PhD student.
Tuesday, 1st December 2020: Thursday, 31st December 2020
Notification of acceptance or rejection.
Friday, 1st January 2021: Friday, 15th January 2021
Camera Ready copy due.
8. Programme Committee
8.1 Chairs
VenkateshChoppella, IIIT Hyderabad
ManoranjanSatpathy, IIT Bhubaneswar
8.2 Programme Committee
To be Announced.