The tutorials track at ISEC 2021 is aimed to provide an opportunity for conference participants to learn, explore and gain knowledge (including hands on and working sessions) on topics ranging from theoretical foundations to practical techniques in the broad area of software engineering. The tutorial track serves as an opportunity for researchers and industry experts to present advances in the field of software engineering providing insights for young students and researchers to get an overview of the research area and to further pursue research. A tutorial can be half or full day event with one or more presenters/instructors.
The Technical Briefing sessions on the other hand are relatively short and crisp 45-90m technical talks. Presenters are expected to introduce an emerging technical area and optionally present some initial research results/practices. We also welcome position/point-of-view talks on the future of software engineering research and how advances in other technologies such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence etc. may change the software engineering research and practice in near future. These sessions also invite reports on interesting innovations that came out while solving some real-world complex problem related to any area(s) of software engineering.
The tutorial & tech briefings instructors/presenters are invited to submit proposals as per the followings:
Tutorial: Half-day or full-day session on a specific topic focusing on current state-of-the-art.
Proposals should indicate the type of tutorial, a justification and should include title, objective, timeliness, a motivation for the topic, target audience, an outline, the names and short biographies of the speakers and any other information (such as past experience of presenting tutorials at academic conferences) that will help in assessing the proposed tutorial. The proposal should be of no longer than 3 pages. Optionally, a few sample slides from the intended tutorial presentation can be included. The proposal should be submitted as a pdf over e-mail to the track chairs on or before the deadline given below.
Technical briefing: A 45-90 minute compact session focusing on emerging directions and/or future possibilities in some software engineering and related field.
Technical briefing proposal should include the title and extended abstract (1-2 pages) of the talk, the names and short biographies of the speaker(s) and any other information such as past experience in giving such talk at academic/industry forums. If accepted, the full presentation slide deck will have to be submitted few weeks in advance before the conference.
The track chairs will review each proposal based on its ability to garner interest from the audience, the relevance and importance of the topic in the context of the current lines of research in software engineering, the experience of instructors and a fit with the entire program of ISEC 2021.
Important Dates: